The Story of Muslin
1:00 PM13:00

The Story of Muslin

  • 23 Victoria Street Clayfield QLD 4011 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Judy Tenzing will be our guest speaker on the topic ‘The Story of Muslin’.

Click on the title above for more information.

Image: JJ Feild and Felicity Jones as Henry Tilney and Catherine Morland in ‘Northanger Abbey’ (2007)

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'Pride and Prejudice' Study Afternoon
1:00 PM13:00

'Pride and Prejudice' Study Afternoon

On 17 August we revisit Austen’s original text with a ‘Pride and Prejudice’ study afternoon. On 17 August we revisit Austen’s original text with a ‘Pride and Prejudice’ study afternoon. The committee has organised a guest speaker, Steve Rohan-Jones, who will guide us through a pleasant afternoon in an interactive way writing letters to our acquaintances and partaking in parlour games to deepen our understanding of 'Pride and Prejudice'.

Click on the heading above for more details.

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Why Mr Collins? The Church and the Clergy in the time of Jane Austen
1:00 PM13:00

Why Mr Collins? The Church and the Clergy in the time of Jane Austen

Brenda S. Cox will explore Mr Collins’s words, actions, and character, including his marriage proposal, comparing him to Austen’s other clergymen, satirical cartoons of the time, and Anglican and Evangelical ideals.

For more information on this meeting, please click on the heading above

Photo: Tom Hollander as Mr Collins, Pride and Prejudice (2005)

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Teaching Jane Austen in the Classroom
1:00 PM13:00

Teaching Jane Austen in the Classroom

Our lecturer for ‘Teaching Jane Austen in the Classroom’ is Benjamin Taaffe from Sydney who has spent his working life of 43 years teaching English at Ascham School.

Ben has a special interest in certain recurring patterns in Austen’s novels and will discuss these patterns in Pride & Prejudice, Emma and Persuasion.

For more information, please click on the meeting title above.

Photo: Lucy Briers as Mary Bennet, Pride and Prejudice, BBC (1995)

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Finding Philadelphia's Story
1:00 PM13:00

Finding Philadelphia's Story

  • 23 Victoria Street Clayfield QLD 4011 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Saturday 12 August 2023, Jan Merriman will be our guest speaker presenting her talk 'Finding Philadelphia’s Story'. The meeting will be at our usual venue, St Columb's, 23 Victoria Street, Clayfield at 1pm.

Jan's research will take us into the life and times of Jane Austen’s aunt, Philadelphia Hancock Merriman will give a talk on Philadelphia Hancock, Jane Austen's aunt. Please click on the heading above for more information.

Photo: Miniature of Philadelphia Hancock by John Smart. Currently located in Jane Austen’s House museum, Chawton, England.

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'Sense and Sensibility' Study Afternoon
1:00 PM13:00

'Sense and Sensibility' Study Afternoon

  • 23 Victoria Street Clayfield QLD 4011 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Saturday 27 May 2023, we will be returning to Jane Austen’s novels with a ‘Sense and Sensibility’ Study Afternoon. Please join us for a fun and informative afternoon to explore Austen’s first published novel and discuss the text, themes, characters, and its importance in the Austen canon.

Please click on the meeting heading above for more information.

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Bringing Pemberley to Life on Stage
1:00 PM13:00

Bringing Pemberley to Life on Stage

  • 23 Victoria Street Clayfield QLD 4011 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us at 1pm Saturday 15 April 2023 where our guest speakers will be Julie Bray and Dale Murison from Growl Theatre, Brisbane.

In 2020 and 2021, Julie and Dale were involved in presenting the first two of a trilogy of plays - ‘Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley’ and ‘The Wickhams: Christmas at Pemberley’ by Lauren Gunderson Margot Melcon at Growl Theatre at Lutwyche. Later this year, the third in the trilogy ‘Georgiana and Kitty: Christmas at Pemberley’ will hit the Growl stage under Julie’s direction and Dale’s vocal coaching.

Julie and Dale will discuss their experience of bringing these plays to life and do some readings from both Pride and Prejudice and the plays.

Click on the title above for more information about this meeting.

Photo: Still from ‘Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley’, December 2020

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Caroline Jane Knight: My Life with a Famous Relative
1:00 PM13:00

Caroline Jane Knight: My Life with a Famous Relative

  • 23 Victoria Street Clayfield QLD 4011 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Imagine growing up in Chawton House, England and walking the corridors where Jane Austen walked, sitting at the same dining table and even eating from the same china. Despite the lack of her physical presence, Jane Austen was ever present in the four walls of the great family home, Chawton House. We are very happy to welcome Caroline Jane Knight, fifth great niece of Jane Austen who will share insights into her unique upbringing in Chawton House until the age of 18 years old and her motivations behind establishing the Jane Austen Literary Foundation.

Click on the title above for more information about this meeting.

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20th Anniversary Meeting
1:00 PM13:00

20th Anniversary Meeting

  • 23 Victoria Street Clayfield QLD 4011 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

To celebrate our 20th Anniversary, Susannah Fullerton, President of JASA, will attend and present 'Saving Jane Austen's House', an illustrated talk about Jane Austen's beloved home. We also have a scavenger hunt as well as Jane Austen Mastermind quiz. It promises to be be a fun and lively meeting to mark our 20th Anniversary as a group. Click on the heading above for more details.

COVID Restrictions

Please note that mandatory vaccinations are no longer required to attend this meeting as the health direction has been revoked as at 14 April 2022. Masks are not mandatory however attendees may wear masks if preferred.

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Pride and Prejudice on Screen
1:00 PM13:00

Pride and Prejudice on Screen

  • 23 Victoria Street Clayfield Qld 4011 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dr Victoria Bladen will present ‘Pride and Prejudice on Screen’ exploring aspects of the afterlives of Austen on screen, considering some of the questions raised by the process of adaptation. We will consider three adaptations of Pride and Prejudice and think about the different ways they have approached the novel.

Note that COVID restrictions apply for this meeting, please click on the meeting heading above to view the full details.

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Regency Costumes
1:00 PM13:00

Regency Costumes

  • 23 Victoria Street Clayfield Qld 4011 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our guest speaker, Kate Ferrett from University of Queensland, has kindly agreed to present her talk originally scheduled for our July meeting that was unfortunately cancelled due to lockdown. Kate has had a long term interest in Regency Costume and presented a very informative talk to JASA Brisbane in 2015. We will be interested to hear Kate’s assessment of the costumes in the recent controversial adaptations of Emma and Sanditon.

Brisbane is now in Stage 3 restrictions. Click on the heading above for more information about the COVID restrictions for this meeting.

Photo credit: Emma, Focus Films, 2020.

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1:00 PM13:00

EVENT CANCELLED: Pride and Prejudice on Screen

The committee has made the decision to cancel the meeting scheduled for Saturday 14 August. Lockdown in the eleven local government areas in South East Queensland has been lifted as of 4pm Sunday 8 August, however due to restrictions on gatherings plus the ongoing risk to members, the committee has decided it is prudent to cancel our meeting planned for this Saturday. We don't make these decisions lightly and we understand this will be very disappointing to members, however your safety and comfort when attending meetings is our main priority.

Our guest speaker, Dr Victoria Bladen, has been advised and will be invited to present her talk 'Pride and Prejudice on Screen' when both our schedules allow.

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EVENT CANCELLED: Regency Costumes
1:00 PM13:00

EVENT CANCELLED: Regency Costumes

  • 23 Victoria Street Clayfield Qld 4011 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Due to the Brisbane lockdown that commenced Tuesday 29 June, the committee has decided it is prudent to cancel the meeting planned for Saturday 3 July. Although the current lockdown is scheduled to end on Friday evening, we can't predict if it will extend and it will be too short notice to organise anything if the lockdown continues. Also, the safety of our members is paramount and we think it’s best to not hold a gathering at this time.

Our guest speaker, Kate Ferrett, has kindly agreed to reschedule her talk on Regency Costume so hopefully we will be able to see her presentation later this year.

Photo credit: Emma, Focus Films, 2020.

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Persuasion on Screen
1:00 PM13:00

Persuasion on Screen

Dr Victoria Bladen from the University of Queensland will give a presentation on ‘Persuasion on Screen’. Dr Bladen will be focussing on two screen adaptations of Persuasion to see how they have approached the challenges of bringing Jane Austen’s novel to the screen.

The current Queensland Government Health Direction requires numbers for this meeting to be capped at 50 attendees. This allocation is now full. Please contact if you would like to be added to the waitlist.

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The Comfort of Jane
1:00 PM13:00

The Comfort of Jane

“Ah! there is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.”
Augusta Elton, Emma

In anticipation that current health directives remain the same in Queensland, a decision has been made to go ahead with a gathering on 22 August 2020 although the format of the meeting will be different to accommodate the changed circumstances.

Due to travel restrictions we are unfortunately unable to resume the schedule of advertised meetings (although the committee is working to host these speakers and meetings at a later date). Instead, the gathering on 22 August 2020 will be a more informal opportunity to stay connected and continue to support each other. There will be a guided discussion on the topic of "The Comfort of Jane" and how Jane Austen's works comfort us in troubling times. Members who attend will have an opportunity to contribute their thoughts.

The health and safety of everyone involved is important to us. The following measures will be implemented for this gathering:

  • Chairs will be set up ensuring two square meters per person. Please do not move the chairs closer together.

  • There will be no afternoon tea due to service and social distancing protocols.

  • You will be required to complete an attendance form with your name and contact details and to make a declaration to confirm that you are not ill or required to be isolating.

  • The committee asks that if you are feeling unwell or have travelled interstate in the 14 days prior to the 22nd of August, please keep yourself and others safe and healthy by staying at home.

  • We will not be using name tags, selling Regency Fair or selling raffle tickets to avoid unnecessary handling of items.

Please bring your own pen and personal water bottle to the meeting. The kitchen will be closed. Hand sanitiser will be available and the toilets will be open for hand washing if required. Throughout the meeting please maintain safe distancing (including a physical distance of 1.5 metres to any person) and practice good hygiene practices.

Please RSVP to so we can ensure we have enough chairs put out at the appropriate distance before you arrive. Despite the above restrictions, we look forward to seeing many of you and having a fun, enjoyable and informative discussion on how Jane brings us comfort and solace.

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EVENT CANCELLED: My Life with a Famous Relative
1:00 PM13:00

EVENT CANCELLED: My Life with a Famous Relative

Due to current circumstances with COVID-19, and restrictions on indoor gatherings, the JASA Brisbane committee have decided it is prudent to cancel our next meeting, scheduled for Saturday 16 May 2020. The safety and health of our members is paramount, so we believe this is the best course of action.

The Committee has been in touch with Caroline Jane Knight and together we are planning to reschedule her presentation for a later date.

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The Zen of Jane Austen
1:00 PM13:00

The Zen of Jane Austen

Guest speaker Walter Mason will colourfully explain the Zen of Jane Austen.

Walter Mason is the author of many travel books about Asia and is a highly regarded speaker and teacher, visiting festivals and also talking on the ABC. His talk to JASA Brisbane will explore Jane Austen and Zen.

He has explored Jane's novels and has discerned that Jane could have been a Zen master. Despite the unlikelihood of Jane's being aware of Buddhism, Walter has found many parallels as he speaks of some tenets of Buddhism (friendship, kind-heartedness, suffering, sickness and death) being apparent in Jane Austen novels. An interesting interpretation.

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Bad Mr Wickham!
1:00 PM13:00

Bad Mr Wickham!

Susannah Fullerton (President, Jane Austen Society of Australia) will present a talk on ‘Bad Mr Wickham’ that includes three excerpts from Adrian Lukis’s show titled ‘Being Mr Wickham’.

Mr Wickham.jpg

This was presented to the Sydney meeting recently and was very much enjoyed. The presentation includes illustrations, and some discussion at the end about Wickham's future fate after the novel ends. The meeting will end with our usual afternoon tea, and discussion.

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