On Saturday 12 August 2023, Jan Merriman will be our guest speaker presenting her talk 'Finding Philadelphia’s Story'. The meeting will be at our usual venue, St Columb's, 23 Victoria Street, Clayfield at 1pm.
Jan's research will take us into the life and times of Jane Austen’s aunt, Philadelphia Hancock: mother of the more famous Eliza de Feuillide. All Jane Austen enthusiasts know of her exotic cousin Eliza, who married a French count guillotined in The Terror', but Eliza’s mother, the sister of Jane’s father George led an even more interesting life. Orphaned as a young girl, Philadelphia had to find her own way in the world, a journey that took her from a milliners shop in Covent Garden to India in the rollicking days of the East India Company and even the court of Versailles in the last days of the Ancient Regime. Jan Merriman has spent the last six years pursuing the fascinating story of Philadelphia with a book to be published next year.
Jan is a retired teacher, academic and actor from Wollongong in NSW. She has presented papers to conferences and various groups over the last ten years on Jane Austen’s novels. This will be her third visit as guest speaker to JASA Brisbane.
Afternoon tea contributions are most welcome. Regency Fair will be open with a range of Austen related items available for purchase. If you are able to assist with putting out the chairs, please arrive by 12.30pm to assist.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Thank you
JASA Brisbane Committee
Miniature of Philadelphia Hancock by John Smart. Currently located in Jane Austen’s House museum, Chawton, England.